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5 Tips To Help Sell Your Home

Believe me when I tell you this, it is all in the presentation! Our homes and real estate is our biggest asset and we expect a good price, especially when we spend all of our time renovating and decorating it to what we want it to look like. Would you sell your car without giving it a cleanup? The answer is no! The same rule applies when trying to sell your home, there are certain things you can do to help you get a good price.

You do not have to be a salesman and generate all of the sales patter, let the home sell itself! Get the buyer to connect with your home and let them see and imagine how it would suit their family, you want them to imagine them and their family actually living inside of it. It is very important for them to see the rooms exactly how they intend to be used. Having a buyer see a three bedroom home that has two bedrooms and one storage / junk room is just not good at all!

So let’s run through some simple tips that will aid in selling your home….

  1. Make it appear welcoming from outside...

    A good landscape can easily transform the look from the outside, overgrown hedges and long grass are just not appealing, if you have a driveway space, have that re-done with some nice block paving or tarmac. Block paving may be the best bet here since you are able to have pattern within the blocks such as the following;

  2. The front door is a centerpiece…

    Might sound like a silly small change but it is a big one! The front door will be the first thing they see when entering the home and therefore is one of the main centerpieces to focus on. Most opt to have PVc solid doors which are great as they are protected against weather elements. If you have a wooden door that is no issue, all you need to do is spruce it up with a nice bit of paintwork, if you have no outside light, incorporate one as these are things people like and look for. Another thing is to have potted plants either side of the door the give the welcoming impression. Take a look at the following;

  3. After the front door comes the entrance hallway…

    After you have gave the warm, welcoming impression of the front door the next impression must come from the entrance hallway. Paint it in a neutral colour and remove bulky furniture, you may also want to change the lighting so it is well lit and does not appear dark. If you feel the floor needs a little touching up, just add in a rug but be sure it matches the rest of the decoration.

  4. De-clutter, de-clutter and de-clutter…

    There is nothing worse than walking into a home to potentially buy it with clutter all over the place, how are the potential buyers supposed to imagine their families in it with all that clutter, would you buy a hoarder's home? No! Whether you are living in your home or not, go through your belongings and throw everything out that is no longer needed or in use, the items you are keeping move them into storage.

  5. A word about pets…

    Pets is a debatable one as many do love dogs and cats but this could act as a distraction and take the emphasis away from the sale of your home. For those that do not like them, well, that is obvious, I am not saying get rid of them but place them into the care of family or friends until the sale of your home goes through. Remember, some people may have allergies.

Byline: Canada is one of the best places to study with plenty of socially diverse people, there are people from all walks of life so your own culture will fit right in with those around you. Finding real estate in Canada is pretty easy with dedicated businesses such as Canadian Real estate University.


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